radio alert

now 18.05GMT, 1405 EST, Vesselina Kasarova sings Monteverdi, and other arias composed for Arianne

“Lasciatemi morire”, snif
text + translation.

and, just another take for variety purpose, what i’ve been listening this past week. it’s from a live performance, her only solo disc! (she gave an interview where she said she wants small venue + seeing audience to communicate with them, and prefers not doing studio recording due to disconnection..) i like both. each gives a different feeling.

43 responses to “radio alert”

  1. that was mostly very cool, cheers for pointing it out 🙂 In particular Haydn and the last thing in fit her sense of drama. Perhpas Massenet too and I’m just not the biggest fan of romantic vocal music. I would like to hear the Monteverdi again with lutes and whatnot.

    1. sorry for “ignoring” you, i crying about Juditha.. coming right up in post.. then i’d put up Monteverdi again for both of us, as well as inducing you perhaps into ACA’s version 🙂

      1. cool but what’s wrong with Juditha?

        1. juditha (i.e., A.Hallenberg), she’s very addictive.. i couldn’t break away from her until now… (she’s still lingering.. but let me do the extraction of capture 😉 )

  2. hm, now that I listed to VK’s Monteverdi again I like it better. I was harsh on that piano. Must give it a few more listens to digest it better.

    1. ja, i thought the piano was doing quite a good job.. but it’s mainly b/c i was already so used to hearing the lament.. was more taken aback by her “operatic” voice after ACA 🙂

      1. yea, she likes to sing everything in an operatic voice, it seems. ACA sounds more as one would expect Monteverdi to sound. You’re both are good, obviously they know how to work the meaning of the text.

  3. sort of unrelated, have you seen VK’s Russian Arias CD? Apparently very good but the Amazon reviewer is a fan so you never know, the red dress is involved 😉

    1. jes, all over her fb a while ago w release news, and now we know several who have it 😀 , i am guessing some of the arias similar to the ones she sang from that recital back in May/2012.. do you have that? i can share 🙂

      1. I don’t have that one.

    2. ps- oh i just read the list of arias, nothing i ve heard before 😀

      1. nothing? Not even the Queen of Spades ones?

        1. yes, it was in haste, then i got reminded again.. i kept getting Onegin and Pique dame confused!

          1. at least it’s the same composer 😉 the reviewer says her French diction was excellent! I actually laughed out loud.

    3. I thought the reviewer said the cd was sent to him for review b/c he reviewed a lot of music.. and someone commented on the review also said it was good in how her voice matches the content (and that person saw her live in Tancredi in NY).
      ps- her 2012 recital 🙂 <– there was a long discussion on Anik's on that same date about this recital.. and how many people mentioned she shouldn't sing German lieder, but that her "russian" rep was excellent. And i was thinking these are the people who either know German or familiar with lieder who complain/dislike her phrasing (including 2 of her most die hard fans on fb who goes to nearly *all* her recitals..), and these are the same people who i would say not as familiar with the Russian rep.. so i wonder she sounds "great" primarily when you're not familiar w/ the content and thus can hear the music and her expression.. because for me she sounds just fine in German and lieder 🙂 (and that event got me thinking about if some foreigners singing vietnamese traditional folk songs whether i can get past the fact they don't get the "accent" right <– regional accent, and thus missing the deep point / history blah blah

      1. the reviewer just loves her, check out his other reviews (he also loves Roschmann). He seems to think current (specialised) Baroque singers are rubbish, though.

        I think you pointed me once to the reviews of her NY Tancredi, they were hilarious. Those people sounded like they were all in love with her on the spot 😉 and she wasn’t even wearing that dress…

    4. ps- for your entertainment, this accent , if i can sing, that’d be my feature song :D.

      1. oh, can’t listen right now (at work) but I love the picture! Reminds me of childhood – communist sculptures 😀 btw, there is an entire park of that stuff in Budapest.

        1. (we need to find the proper karaoke, i’ll sing this song 😀 😀 )
          I think she took all the people by surprise just from her walk 😉 , but i can see why the moment she opened the first note you can completely be paralized (and want to jump off the 5th floor galerie into … 😀 )
          (i did see out of corner of eye his review for Röschmann, might have been someone allergic to baroque? )

      2. cute song, seems very relaxed. What’s it abou?

        1. (i tooootally distracted by ACA in glasses over here singing sailors.. was quite confused on the question 😀 )
          it’s about the coconut trees! and the women of the town Bến Tre which is well known for ref to Viet Nam war. How the women fought in the war, and about the country side, and how a traveler will always remember her beautiful standing by the side of the coconut tree with flowing long hair 🙂

          1. coconut trees? ha, see how music can be, I missed the war feel.

          2. you mean you dont hear “war” in the tone of the music? these songs are always very subtle, inner feeling & yearning 🙂 . but yes, we have beautiful songs about all sorts of trees + things you see in sky or village, am guessing b/c we spent our childhood watching them daily (no tv 🙂 )

          3. I sensed a bit of whistfulness but not quite “war”. I guess every culture has their own way of expressing that.

          4. ja, no “war” , it’s really about the deep appreciation for the coconut trees (and the young women of this town ;-)) . I think viet nam is such a “young” country with long history of war that this war ref makes seeps in at the deepest level in all our songs (at least there’s no random screaming of ‘ho chi minh’, another requisite if want your song to be broadcast on tv 😀 )

          5. ok, since we’re sharing traditional music, here’s one from my area (the singer is, the music refers to another area, pretty close by) – it’s also to do with war (how the Russians took over the eastern part of the country) but in this case no beautiful girls 😉 It’s traditional music properly done, not the type they do these days where it’s got beats and whatnot. Before I get too emotional, here’s another one. I particularly like this singer’s voice and her humorous manner (the song is two people (humorously) reminiscing about the time they fell in love, she’s singing both the chap and the pretty girl). This one is from the south.

          6. 2nd link missing, but am not there yet.. just pause ACA for first link 😉

          7. oh, posting was going funny. Here it is when you have time 🙂

          8. yes, time is what i have now 😉 (just done requesting Stray to capture a chicken for me 😀 , also i replied over there to your comment re. N.Stutzmann’s polinesso)

          9. fun ref 😉
            let me reply here.. may be Stray would visit to see.. else i might copy to over there..
            Sergey Mikhalkov, did you read his short stories when growing up? i loooove them, so did my sister, some really great stories w/ satire.. one is about the wolf wanting to commit suicide, not sure if i already told you about it?
            One day, the wolf decided to commit suicide. The whole forest is a-buzzed with news and chatters, everyone was gathering talking about it.. news reached the respectable crow, head of the forest. He flew over to the wolf’s haus to find out what was going on.. and found the wolf alone sitting on the bench crying.. Crow: tell me, what happened? Wolf: i can’t handel it any more, everyone hates me, they write bad stories about me in children books, everywhere i go, people try to kill me.. i can’t live like this anymore.. The crow was sad, but admitted it’s true… he comforted the wolf and asked if there’s anything he could do.. Wolf: yes, when you fly over to the old haus there could you please grab me the rope. Crow: .. (resigned).. ok.. Wolf: while you are at it, could you also please grab for me a small sheep? The crow got him the rope and the sheep. After finishing the sheep, the wolf decided not to commit suicide any more.

          10. ehehe… so it was a live chicken then 😉 I haven’t read his stuff but it sounds like I’d enjoy it.

            btw, Dover, giustizia, amor with Stutzmann was great! Blogger is again acting up on me and it didn’t let me post even after I selected all the donuts 😉 I really loved her phrasing on “amor” at 0:34. I wish I could sing Polinesso, I’d have so much fun 😀

          11. “after I selected all the donuts”
            😀 , i ‘ve been learning all these western terms fiddling those options! (think i messed up on pasta once.. oh, and cakes 😀 ; today had to match RV + trucks..)

            ja, i love her accentuation (and building up the phrase)! suddenly you “wake” up and listen! this aria sits in 3rd act and tends to blend in for some reason…

            done sampling the traditional songs :-), very rhythmic! i’m guessing for these things the meaning of the words, their history, the style, even the voice as well as rhythm are what built into your bones while you grow up, hence you could absorb them with such a level of appreciation you doubt others can? For me as an outsider, i can only go by the rhythm and style of singing, but clearly i miss the deep root.. <– i have always been thinking about that, that for me i understand these songs (from the time i grew up, like you, not now when suddenly they're stripping dancing michael Jackson style while missing the details of even pronunciation 🙂 ) and they're the only things i imagine i could "sing" . And at the same time there's this mysterious mistrust that others can not do justice unless they also have the same background (which is a rather strange idea in a way, as this is how many clings to the idea of what is "perfect" and no others can do better..)

          12. you do have to get used to it to get the most out of it. I probably felt the same about the song you posted (very nice instrumental solo in the middle). And yes, they are very text based, if I just listened to the tune perhaps I wouldn’t get half as emotional 😉 but that’s probably where my penchant for wind instruments comes from… The bit from 1:57 with the little trill at 2:05 in the first one is like the essence of trad music in the north of the country.

            these things blogger makes you recognise, I’m always afraid they’ll sneak something in another dish etc. and I’ll miss it 😉 clearly I am thinking too much!

          13. haha, i’m still laughing about the donuts. and now that whole phrase “dover, giustiZZia, amOr” is in my head…

          14. Donut, giustizia, amor 😉

        2. ps- have a wonderful “night” with them cats and beatrice ;-). i must (resisted-ly) say goodbye for now to Dido to accommodate a “meso” seminar at lunch time demain (today rather..) . good night!

    5. ps3- i just saw it’s on spotify! (though it’s on the wait-list now as i continue to chaaaarge forward with les troyens 😀 — and on my “new” opera to discover this week is also Faure’s Penelope! (as ACA is singing currently and there’s a radio broadcast coming up this week…)

      1. let me know which day, I didn’t even know Faure wrote opera. I ignore spotify…

        1. oh how come (ignoring spotify)? i have no idea what that is, but i managed to install TONS of blockage so no ads whatsoever, just singing, i pay nothing 😀
          will let you now about radio broadcast.. apparently they just took it down, argh! some conflict b/t Rhine opera house/region/whatever-the-problem-is and france-musique.. (i’m now on the ACA fansite on fb, hence all these updates)
          (omg, i just discovered goooorgeous Dido w/ Purcell (guess who is singing Dido 😉 )

          1. I think I know 😉

            hm, there was something in the paper about them doing something unpleasant – vague, I know! when it first came out all the trendy kids were on it like plague and I just wanted to get away from what all the trendy kids were doing 😉 go you for blocking everything!

          2. you, avoiding trendy kids?! 😉 , i followed stray’s bread crumbs, that’s how i heard of spotify..
            (speaking of trendy.. the other day i walked by a huuuuuge cinema here and saw a BIIG light display of “Bach Mass”, jaw dropped! WOW! they play Bach mass now in the cinema!! IMPRESSIVE! then i read again, “black mass”, whatever that is 😀 )

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