music to start night shift

need some music to get out of bed 😀

i have a meeting at 2pm this week and still unsure if i need to shove forward so as to still be awake at 2pm by Wed or fall backward so as to wake up before 2pm.. there’s also this business of making sure to wake up either before midnight when shops still open or shop before midnight to make sure waking up at 5am with some food.. Finally the complication of boba milktea only available *after* 12.30pm!!

On plate for tonight: may be Arabella.. though I must admit every time the play button was hit on above clip i ended up sitting for 2 hours non-stop.. can’t wait for boston baroque’s take in Oct.

(ps- Stray, this is my not so subtle attempt to infiltrate you with this piece to ensure memorization by heart by Oct 😉 )

3 responses to “music to start night shift”

  1. Maybe you should get a gig over at RPI, all the supermarkets are 24 hours around here 🙂

    Your attempts would be subtle if you hadn’t ratted yourself out 😛 But yes, I find I am gradually being assimilated into Juditha Triumphans in spite of having several other things on the agenda before then, so obviously your methods are effective.

    1. a bit unrelated.. just woke up and saw boston is out of olympic bid race.. and i’m surprised that enterprise which makes so much money, did it offer to foot any part of the bill or the entire city + its citizen have to pay?

      1. I only had the NO faction on my sundry newsfeeds, so my understanding is certainly biased, but the general opinion was that it was going to make a whole lot of money for a very few people while being a massive, long-term burden for everyone else.

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scientist by day, opera fan by nights and weekends.
